San Francisco was a mission, getting up at 8am and riding till 9pm if not later. The entire team was crammed in a van with everyones luggage from LA to Oakland. After our Denny’s experience we for sure thought we were getting a hotel with cockroaches but it turned out pretty swanky. The next morning we went over how the crews were going to split up. Half the team went in the Tilt van and the other half rolled around in style with the rental car. The first day doing this, everyone was hyped to be in the bay. Half the team had never been to San Francisco and the other half had been to the bay 7+ times. We hit some of the more famous spots to give the rookies their taste of what San Fran has to offer. The crews didn’t meet back up till night time to light up a bank to jersey barrier which almost everybody got a clip at. By the end of the day, one crew alone got 15 clips. That was pretty heavy and we for sure thought the rest of the trip was going to go that way, but it didn’t. We split the crews up a little differently the second day and some of us ended up hitting the same spot twice. Like the flower shop, I think we passed that place 8 times in the 4 days we were in the bay. The first spot the rental car hit was along the water and so many people were constantly in the way.
There was this one lady that ran into a friend and they started small talking and her little white dog that was off the leash was just barking at Jona as he stood there and waited for the lady to move. She was oblivious to what was going on so Jordan rode up to her and started circling her. Her dogs were barking like crazy and she couldn’t even hear her friend talk so finally she realized what was going on and continued to keep walking so Josh could hit the spot. Thank you Jordan, you were a hero that day. Again the crews didn’t meet up till later that night to sesh the same spot which was a DIY bank spot. Turned out to be a lot of fun and a bunch of tricks went down including a pretty sizable gap that Dylan hit twice to get a line. The funny part is half way through Dylan trying the trick, a mini van was parked by the landing which made the trick that much harder. Some of us split off to eat some dinner at a random taco food truck which turned out to be some of the best food on the trip and a famous San Francisco grub spot. Once back to the hotel, some of us got together and rode over to the Hella Grip house to watch some skate movies while the others either stayed up and went through footage or just went to bed.