

Let's face it, Tilt parts are designed to be ridden and ridden hard. Any scooter part is bound to break one day, and that day just depends on how hard you ride your scooter. This makes warranty pretty tricky (no pun intended).

In order to ensure you have Tilt's highest quality parts, we've settled on a 120 day warranty policy in which almost everything is covered. This makes sure you get a replacement if there's a defect on our end, and you're still covered if you land something hard and snap a part. We see it as the best balance possible.


Thrash Resistant Lifetime Guarantee

Our Sentry handlebars are covered by a lifetime warranty. This warranty is extended worldwide and covers you no matter what shop you buy them from. Lifetime means the entire life of the handlebars. If you bend or break them without any modifications other than cutting to size, we will send you a new pair. In other words, DO NOT cut a slit for IHC/HIC or paint your bars. All you need to do is keep your proof of purchase/receipt. The red label on the bars is only a specification label and not a guarantee. The warranty is not transferable.

Warranty Policy

The following is covered under warranty:

  • Manufacturer defects
  • Dehubbed wheels (urethane must be cleanly separated from the metal hub with no urethane residue on the metal hub)
  • Snapped or cracked wheel spokes
  • Snapped or cracked clamps
  • Snapped, cracked, or bent bars
  • Snapped, cracked, or bent forks
  • Snapped, cracked, or bent decks (cracks must show clear separation, hairline cracks are not covered; deck warranties are subject to case-by-case review)

The following is not covered under warranty:

  • Damage caused by improper installation and adjustment
  • Flat spotted and chunked urethane
  • Cracked welds
  • Broken bearings
  • Replacement parts from a previous warranty claim

The following will void the warranty:

  • Product modification (slit handlebars, stripped anodize/painted surfaces, removing material, dyeing urethane)
  • Purposeful damage of product
  • Failure to provide proof of purchase

Warranty Terms and Conditions

Warranty claims can only be made for products within 120 days of original purchase date. Warranty claims are for the original purchaser and are non-transferable. Proof of purchase must be presented at time of claim. Tilt, its distributors, and its retailers reserve the right to exchange a damaged product with an alternate model and color. Tilt, its distributors, and its retailers reserve the right to deny any warranty claim. If an item has been previously warrantied, the replaced product cannot be warrantied again.


Shipping Warranties

Due to the high costs of international shipping, Tilt, its distributors, and its retailers reserve the right to require half the cost of shipping to send replacement parts to the customer.

Filing a Claim

You must file a claim with the store you purchased the Tilt product from. Tilt is represented by riders all over the world, and retail stores are better equipped to provide service internationally. If contacting by email, be sure to include the following information:

  • Name
  • Shipping Address
  • Phone number
  • Description of what happened
  • Photos of broken/damaged product
  • Proof of purchase with date shown
  • Quality Control number if applicable. Should be a letter and then a number somewhere on the part (example: C9)